Partial Application in Action

29 Sep 2017

Have you ever found yourself calling the same function with the same argument, over and over again? Well, I have some good news for you. There’s a simple technique that can help you reduce this kind of repetition and it’s called partial application. Say you have a function that adds two numbers:

const add = (a, b) => a + b

add(2, 4)
// 6

Function.prototype.bind allows you to partially apply a function by passing it the arguments you want to fix.

For example, if you partially apply add, fixing the first argument with a value of 10, the result is a new function addTen that adds 10 to the remaining argument.

const add = (a, b) => a + b
const addTen = add.bind(null, 10)

// 13

// 16

This is a common example of partial application but it’s not that useful in the real world. Here is a more practical example:

Reducing argument repetition

Say you want to fetch three different resources from an API, your code might look something like this:

const apiBaseUrl = ''
const getData = (baseUrl, resource) => fetch(`${baseUrl}/${resource}`)

  getData(apiBaseUrl, 'products'),
  getData(apiBaseUrl, 'categories'),
  getData(apiBaseUrl, 'tags'),
]).then((responses) => {
  // Do stuff

Notice that getData and the first argument apiBaseUrl are repeated. You can use partial application to remove this repetition.

If you partially apply getData, fixing the first argument with the value of apiBaseUrl, the result is a new function that takes the remaining argument resource:

const apiBaseUrl = ''
const getData = (baseUrl, resource) => fetch(`${baseUrl}/${resource}`)
const getDataFromAPI = getData.bind(null, apiBaseUrl)

]).then((responses) => {
  // Do stuff

That’s a bit better. apiBaseUrl is no longer repeated but you can take it a step further by removing the repeated calls to getDataFromAPI.

Reducing function call repetition

By using partial application, you created a new function getDataFromAPI that takes a single argument. This allows you to pass it to the map function of an array, like so:

const apiBaseUrl = ''
const getData = (baseUrl, path) => fetch(`${baseUrl}/${path}`)
const getDataFromAPI = getData.bind(null, apiBaseUrl)

Promise.all(['products', 'categories', 'tags'].map(getDataFromAPI)).then(
  (responses) => {
    // Do stuff

Now there is no repetition. The code is concise but is it more readable? Let me know what you think.

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